Postal Code Maps - UK with Pop-up

If you operate an international business, you likely serve thousands of postal codes in many different countries. Postal code maps let you analyze important data within each of these geographic areas and help you uncover important insights and exciting opportunities for your business.

We will walk you through what postal code maps are and how they can do the heavy lifting for your research or business. Learn about our global coverage and precisely how to start creating your own postal code maps in minutes.

What Are Postal Code Maps?

Postal Code Map - Australia

Instead of zip codes, international post offices (such as Canada Post) use postal codes. With a postal code map, you can automatically create boundaries around each postal code. This allows you to segment your data and analyze different areas of towns and major cities individually.

You’ll be able to spot key differences between each postal code which lets you target customers within those areas more efficiently. You can also identify areas where your business is underperforming and define plans for improvement.

Countries with Postal Code Maps in Maptive

Maptive offers postal code maps for the following countries:

  • Canada
  • Australia
  • The United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Argentina
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Costa Rica
  • Finland
  • France
  • Mexico
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Netherlands

What Can a Postal Code Map Do?

Postal code maps help you analyze your data in a number of different ways. Here are two key ways these interactive maps can help you:

UK Boundary Map - Sales Mapping Software

Comparison Analysis:

Easily compare the data you’ve collected based on postal codes. Which postal codes generated the most sales? Which postal codes aren’t generating the results you’re looking for? These questions are easy to answer with Maptive, allowing you to make key changes to improve your business.

Paris Postal Code Map - Territories

Territory Mapping:

Postal codes are one of the easiest ways to divide your service area into sales territories. Simply plot your leads on your map and then assign postal codes to each salesperson. You can see which leads fall into which territory, ensuring a fair work environment and giving everyone an equal opportunity at success.

How to Create a Postal Code Map

Create and Name Map - Postal Code Maps

Creating postal code maps with Maptive is easy and can be done in just a few minutes:

  • Sign up for Maptive. A free trial is available for new users.
  • Log in and select “Create My First Map.”
  • Enter a name and description for your map, then click “Continue.”
boundary mapping tool
  • Enter your data. You can either enter the data manually, copy and paste it into Maptive, or upload an Excel spreadsheet or Google sheet.
  • Click “Map” in the top left corner to view your map.
  • Click the wrench icon in the top left corner, then select the boundary tool.
  • Under “Select Boundary Type” choose the postal code option for the country you’re looking at.
Postal Code Maps - Boundary Tool
  • Under “Boundary Fill Type” choose which type of data you want to view within each postal code. You can choose:
    • Your own numerical data
    • Group/territory data
    • Marker count/location density
  • Use the additional drop-down fields to define your data further.
  • Click “Add Boundary” to create your postal code map.

What Can You Do if Your Data Contains Both US Zip Codes and International Postal Codes?

Postal Code Maps - Canada Postal Codes and US Zip Codes

If you’re plotting data on a world map, your data likely includes both US zip codes and international postal codes. Maptive allows you to plot zip codes and postal codes from multiple countries on the same map.

Simply add the zip code or postal code boundaries you’d like one at a time to have them appear on the map. Be aware that you’ll have to zoom in on a specific region in order to see the boundaries.

Create Your Postal Code Map Today

Are you ready to uncover valuable new insights with postal code maps? Sign up for a free trial and try Maptive today.

Start Mapping Now